Leadership & Legacy - a LIVE taught Training + Mentorship 

A 4  month live group training & mentorship journey  for women desiring to anchor into deeper levels of body based leadership, business, creativity & expansion.

this will be a deeply nurturing and grounding space to refine your connection to your business & also expand your capacity to both contribute & to receive.

7th october - 3rd february 2025 

I'm calling forward the creatives, the visionaries, the artists and in truth, all women feeling the subtle pull to bring to earth their visions and are looking for a space to be guided, anchored, held and mentored in to do just this: to intimately understand the relational field between them & their business and develop the necessary skills to enliven their visions & dreams.

This programme is for the women that desire refinement, embodiment and cultivation of inner resources for capacity, receptivity and regenerative momentum.

Times are changing, and on a collective level we are all becoming much more aware of energy and attuned to what's authentic and what is not. 

We're never 'just leading' or 'building business' - we hold the potential to inspire an entire paradigm shift with how we direct & participate in life around us.

i am ready to embody new way leadership

this programme will completely revolutionise the connection you have to your own inner landscape, and also to that of your business.

embodiment: a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.

As a mentor, practitioner, coach or leader, our capacity to truly lead another is directly correlated to our capacity to lead ourselves.

This requires us to get deeply intimate with our senses and understand the foundations of behavourial change, not just for us but also for those that we are working with, in order to create genuine change.

Leadership in the new paradigm is a specific and subtle quality that emerges directly from an individual’s embodiment, that waits to be recognised by those that it reaches.

It doesn’t force, it calls, all those that are in deep resonance with the unique subtle quality that it possesses. 

This is why for all of the women out there stewarding the natural ways of success, of creating, of living, amidst a wider culture that seeks to disconnect us, some of the biggest flexes we can hone are the gifts of patience and strength to hold the frequency, so that those meant to move with us, can find us.

embodied leadership

Outer leadership is an inside job as true leadership is recognised, not forced.

This is where we will be attuning to both our own body and inner world, and also the inner world of our business. 

This is not a traditional Leadership & business programme.

This is the healing journey of both body, soul and business and looking at exactly what is elicited within our human when we make contact with our work in the world and all that wants to live through us.

This is where we focus on energetic refinement (inclusive of understanding our unconscious drivers, patternings, imprints, inner language and landscape) .

We will be drawing from robust frameworks, tools and teachings from practical psychology, mindset and behavourial change through to energetics and the subtle.

True leadership goes beyond simply the words that we use and the external measures of success that we achieve, and is much more of a subtle energetic quality  that emerges only from true authentic embodiment rooted much less in the what and much more in the how  we are living and creating.

Weekly audio stream - this is for you to share anything that comes up between sessions - these will be tended to once per week with Emma to connect with questions, reflections , guidance and mentorship.

private group audio stream

Live Calls bi-weekly for 4 months - a library of supportive teachings and explorations for context / self exploration to prepare the heart & mind for live teachings & mentoring with Emma.

4 months group training & mentorship


3 x private 1:1 with emma

Three private one on one sessions with Emma - these can be taken at any point during the 4 months together to support with the work. These can include somatics parts healing, human energetics readings, or creative fire with offerings. (There is an option on booking to upgrade to extra 1:1 sessions at a special rate for this programme).

Our sessions have unlocked parts of my heart I have been ferociously guarding my whole life. And I trust it’s part divine timing and the healing I’ve done to get me to this point, and part Emma being a truly gifted women, healer and guide. 

- Lucy, 1:1 Mentoring Client

"To say Emma has changed my life only scratches the surface and I will be forever bursting with gratitude for the gift that she is in the world. The FREEDOM I have found on the other side of our work together is like nothing I could ever have imagined, and the ripple effect has cascaded out into every facet of my life from my inner dialogue, to my marriage, to mothering my babies and into my business."

- Ellie, Private Coaching Client

'I cannot fit into words how much working with Emma as my mentor and coach for the last 6 months has changed within myself and my business. My business has grown immensely and my vision for the future is so much more clear thanks to Emma’s support. She has helped me work through some mental blocks and limiting beliefs and understand myself better, bringing this new understanding into my business. She is an incredibly gifted, kind, empathetic and inspiring mentor and coach and just being around her positive energy is uplifting. I cannot wait to continue working and growing with her. Thank you so much Emma!“
- Caro, Private Coaching & Mentorship

The value added here also goes above and beyond anything I had expected when initially joining the training. Emma continues to update the portal with extra teachings, ceremonies, embodiment sessions…all helping to master our own energetics before teaching others to master theirs. And this is the key: Emma encourages us read for others from a place of an embodied teacher and leader. 

Emma’s quote “we are all the same, because we are all unique” is the syllabic thread that weaves through all of the wisdom. I guarantee that you will emerge on the other side viewing the world, and the beautiful people that inhabit it, with less judgement and more compassion. There is this realisation that each person’s uniqueness truly is a gift and that there is something to learn from everyone’s individual calibration of energy.

Above all, this is not a training to become carbon-copy HD readers, but rather a full spectrum training for energetic mastery. And so, I wholeheartedly recommend Emma and this brilliant brilliant training'

- Ellie (Living in HD Community Member)

"I feel like ive opened up and connected with myself more than I ever felt possible. Since working with Emma I am finally more comfortable with being me and who I am! I kick ass! Plus I let go of such a huge guilt feeling and continue to not feel guilt, that constantly just hung over me. I am not carrying it anymore.
This journey has unlocked more freedom physically and mindfully, peace and ME.
Emma could help anyone in this universe, I just don’t think all souls are open enough yet to experience this incredible journey. I feel gratitude from my head to my toes that even though I was searching for more awareness, I already had a speckle of awareness and those who already have it, I would say, what are the hell are you waiting for?!?! Getting to know yourself more than ever is the most precious gift you could ever give yourself. Its empowering and its magic. But don’t be fooled…. Its a lot of reality and facing yourself, there are tears (she even cracked me), there are lots of uncomfortable feelings and realisations. But you need all of this to breakthrough and you will, with Emmas beautiful aura (even though a lens) you can’t help but feel it and feel safe."

"I was actually struggling to find the words to sum up the weekend I've just had. Having had time to land back down on earth and think, I am beyond grateful for what I experienced this weekend with these unbelievable goddesses. It can only be described as powerful, transformational and life changing. Connections were made that will last this lifetime and beyond. Deeply personal stories and truths were shared and held sacred in our hearts without judgement. I will never forget this weekend, truly magical." 

"Never have I been more open, uplifted, supported, guided, loved, happy, free, strong, connected than I have this weekend with these beautiful women. I will be eternally grateful for the time spent, tears shed, pure love, mind blowing conversations and blissful yoga that I shared with them all." 

'This is such a magical journey. To really be brought home to the power of being you, and understanding your drivers really births a freedom that will remain as a place to come back to forevermore!'
- Kate

"It’s been really transformational on so many levels being part of Bloom. Aside from learning so much about myself and my place in the world, it’s brought me into contact with people that I might never have crossed paths with in real life, obviously yourself as the guide, but also the other souls in the group - Bloom is the gift that keeps on giving!"
- Laura

'I can't believe how quickly, considering we began this journey about 6 weeks ago, things unfolded inside which translated in the change of my inner state that I have been able to be truly present to - of being at peace, calm and easy, letting go, surrendering + trusting, all of the things that I could only imagine.'
- Claryn 

"It has been one of the most profound experiences on my journey so far, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself + for my business."
- Annamaria

"Taking a moment to celebrate this divine human (Emma). I will never get tired of saying, if you want to create change, surround yourself with people who will support, encourage, empower + challenge you to become the very highest expression of yourself that you deserve to be. Let go of the narrative that you have to struggle alone on this long journey of self discovery. Ask for help, advise, guidance, call in likeminded souls who will hold you through the discomfort + dance + play through the curiosity of life with you."
- Lucy

"I can't believe it's week 12 already, this journey has been such a soul healing experience! Thank you for this magical container - it's been truly a life changing experience."
- Annamaria

"Hands down one of the most expansive containers ever"
- Living in HD student

"Absolutely overwhelmed by my human design soul activation session today with Emma. To say this came at the most divine time would be an understatement! To understand even more of me through my unique energy & chart is like coming home to myself....I feel empowered, I feel a sense of relief as to where I am in my own personal journey...but with even more direction, energy & ideas The 90 minutes absolutely flew but I have so much more understanding about my personality, emotions & why I do things the way I do!"
- Kelly


Every practitioner, pioneer, athlete, coach, leader, mentor requires regular training.

Just like learning a new skill in the gym, Embodied Leadership is not simply flexed once or twice for integral strength & optimisation.

It is practised. Every day. In all that we touch.

I would love to invite you to not simply consider this programme as just another course, masterclass or string to the bow.

This is the place to not only be held for an entire four months to see out the remainder of 2024 in high level mentorship, but a place for you to anchor into your own practise and training of actually being all that you say you are (and possibly uncovering more of this during our time together), for deeper impact in your life, and in your business. 

the training field

In this programme you will:

Be taught specific Inner Leadership© frameworks for both personal and professional inner and outer development.

Re-energise and re-attune to your business in order to gain clarity around the direction it wants to move into and who it wants to impact.

Come into deeper contact with and embody your next level of leadership, power and authentic truth whilst gaining tools and knowledge that will revolutionise your self perception and navigation of your inner world for life.

Re-wild both your inner world and your business (return them back to their inherent nature) and understand how to craft powerful client experiences &  express in a way that is authentic to you and your business.

The work here will support you in becoming the embodied leader that can:

Be naturally seen and recognised within their communities for their original thought leadership,  guidance and conviction in direction (and likely inspire people to want to move with them).

Expand their capacity to hold more, be it clients, wealth, responsibility, from a more balanced nervous system.

Timelessly communicate with both self and business in order to re-direct, anchor deeper into and create from the *actual* pulse of each (and not the pressures of life *out there*).

Be nourished by their creative process (and not drained from it), by accessing their unique way of creating (by knowing the balance of masculine and feminine that is right for them).



Pillar One
Roots - inner world story - foundations of  self behaviour, inner world healing and harmony, & literacy

Pillar Two
Bud -  self perception, self value, self  leadership, wealth energetics, capacity

Pillar Three
Light - energetic refinement, crafting legacy, embodied leadership

Pillar Four
Bloom -  outer direction, expression, regenerative momentum

We will move through a pillar per month, with the first two months being more dedicated to inner work and the second two being dedicated to outer expression.

private weekly audio stream

Intimate fractal of women to connect, create & grow with

Biweekly live sessions (between 90minutes - 2 hours each)

private MEMBERS portal with a vault of teachings + trainings 

1 x private 1:1 with Emma to take within the 4 month journey (option to add an addtional 3)

are you:

A woman looking to come into deeper embodiment with her inner and outer leadership? 

A woman that desires to go beyond external branding and desires to dive deeply into human behaviour and energetic refinement to better understand both themselves and the legacy they are here to craft?

A woman desiring to come into right relationship with her body, her wealth + resources, and her business in order to access deeper levels of contentment, purpose and pleasure?

if so, this journey is for you

A woman knowing that they are here to support the evolution of consciousness and desire to be held in a space to elevate, vision cast and take courageous, inspired action?

I am a life mentor and love to use the themes of embodied leadership, business and soul expression as a gateway to our inner terrain.

I have worked closely with hundreds of incredible change-making, visionary & creative women looking to turn up the dial on their leadership, impact & contribution over the past 8 years (and supported over 1000 souls on their path) specialising in energetics, human mindset & behavioural change and the mechanics of creation for life & business.

Sit with me, and share your heart. Let's sift through any layers and uncover what you're here to move.

I would love to walk with you here. 

over the course of the last 12 years, I have been on the path of inner leadership, of learning the art of creativity and manifestation, to embody to the powerful creator that I am whilst also being acutely aware of what I am a part of in the greater web, and how I am truly here to make impact through my unique contribution.

hi beauty x

4 x £499

Book space

Pay in Full

Our journey begins Monday 7th October 2024

We will meet bi-weekly over the course of 4 months with the exception of a 2 week pause of Christmas & New Year (this is why the container is extended).

Calls will be scheduled alternate Monday and Tuesdays (we will confirm timings with the group so that we are as supportive as best for all that are in the space).

All calls will be 
recorded and stored in our private portal should you not be able to make the lives.

If you would love to connect with Emma before hand to check whether this is a yes for you please send an email directly at hello@emmabarfield.com and we will organise opening either an audio thread or a call.


book space

6 x 333

book space

Our sessions have unlocked parts of my heart I have been ferociously guarding my whole life. And I trust it’s part divine timing and the healing I’ve done to get me to this point, and part Emma being a truly gifted women, healer and guide. 

- Lucy, 1:1 Mentoring Client

"To say Emma has changed my life only scratches the surface and I will be forever bursting with gratitude for the gift that she is in the world. The FREEDOM I have found on the other side of our work together is like nothing I could ever have imagined, and the ripple effect has cascaded out into every facet of my life from my inner dialogue, to my marriage, to mothering my babies and into my business."

- Ellie, Private Coaching Client

'I cannot fit into words how much working with Emma as my mentor and coach for the last 6 months has changed within myself and my business. My business has grown immensely and my vision for the future is so much more clear thanks to Emma’s support. She has helped me work through some mental blocks and limiting beliefs and understand myself better, bringing this new understanding into my business. She is an incredibly gifted, kind, empathetic and inspiring mentor and coach and just being around her positive energy is uplifting. I cannot wait to continue working and growing with her. Thank you so much Emma!“
- Caro, Private Coaching & Mentorship

The value added here also goes above and beyond anything I had expected when initially joining the training. Emma continues to update the portal with extra teachings, ceremonies, embodiment sessions…all helping to master our own energetics before teaching others to master theirs. And this is the key: Emma encourages us read for others from a place of an embodied teacher and leader. 

Emma’s quote “we are all the same, because we are all unique” is the syllabic thread that weaves through all of the wisdom. I guarantee that you will emerge on the other side viewing the world, and the beautiful people that inhabit it, with less judgement and more compassion. There is this realisation that each person’s uniqueness truly is a gift and that there is something to learn from everyone’s individual calibration of energy.

Above all, this is not a training to become carbon-copy HD readers, but rather a full spectrum training for energetic mastery. And so, I wholeheartedly recommend Emma and this brilliant brilliant training'

- Ellie (Living in HD Community Member)

"I feel like ive opened up and connected with myself more than I ever felt possible. Since working with Emma I am finally more comfortable with being me and who I am! I kick ass! Plus I let go of such a huge guilt feeling and continue to not feel guilt, that constantly just hung over me. I am not carrying it anymore.
This journey has unlocked more freedom physically and mindfully, peace and ME.
Emma could help anyone in this universe, I just don’t think all souls are open enough yet to experience this incredible journey. I feel gratitude from my head to my toes that even though I was searching for more awareness, I already had a speckle of awareness and those who already have it, I would say, what are the hell are you waiting for?!?! Getting to know yourself more than ever is the most precious gift you could ever give yourself. Its empowering and its magic. But don’t be fooled…. Its a lot of reality and facing yourself, there are tears (she even cracked me), there are lots of uncomfortable feelings and realisations. But you need all of this to breakthrough and you will, with Emmas beautiful aura (even though a lens) you can’t help but feel it and feel safe."

"I was actually struggling to find the words to sum up the weekend I've just had. Having had time to land back down on earth and think, I am beyond grateful for what I experienced this weekend with these unbelievable goddesses. It can only be described as powerful, transformational and life changing. Connections were made that will last this lifetime and beyond. Deeply personal stories and truths were shared and held sacred in our hearts without judgement. I will never forget this weekend, truly magical." 

"Never have I been more open, uplifted, supported, guided, loved, happy, free, strong, connected than I have this weekend with these beautiful women. I will be eternally grateful for the time spent, tears shed, pure love, mind blowing conversations and blissful yoga that I shared with them all." 

'This is such a magical journey. To really be brought home to the power of being you, and understanding your drivers really births a freedom that will remain as a place to come back to forevermore!'
- Kate

"It’s been really transformational on so many levels being part of Bloom. Aside from learning so much about myself and my place in the world, it’s brought me into contact with people that I might never have crossed paths with in real life, obviously yourself as the guide, but also the other souls in the group - Bloom is the gift that keeps on giving!"
- Laura

'I can't believe how quickly, considering we began this journey about 6 weeks ago, things unfolded inside which translated in the change of my inner state that I have been able to be truly present to - of being at peace, calm and easy, letting go, surrendering + trusting, all of the things that I could only imagine.'
- Claryn 

"It has been one of the most profound experiences on my journey so far, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself + for my business."
- Annamaria

"Taking a moment to celebrate this divine human (Emma). I will never get tired of saying, if you want to create change, surround yourself with people who will support, encourage, empower + challenge you to become the very highest expression of yourself that you deserve to be. Let go of the narrative that you have to struggle alone on this long journey of self discovery. Ask for help, advise, guidance, call in likeminded souls who will hold you through the discomfort + dance + play through the curiosity of life with you."
- Lucy

"I can't believe it's week 12 already, this journey has been such a soul healing experience! Thank you for this magical container - it's been truly a life changing experience."
- Annamaria

"Hands down one of the most expansive containers ever"
- Living in HD student

"Absolutely overwhelmed by my human design soul activation session today with Emma. To say this came at the most divine time would be an understatement! To understand even more of me through my unique energy & chart is like coming home to myself....I feel empowered, I feel a sense of relief as to where I am in my own personal journey...but with even more direction, energy & ideas The 90 minutes absolutely flew but I have so much more understanding about my personality, emotions & why I do things the way I do!"
- Kelly
