Leadership & Legacy - Training + Mentorship - open now to enrol

Explore the range of ways that we can work together to unlock your unique potency + leverage your gifts.
There are very limited spaces launched each month for these offerings.
Please check availability below, I'd love to explore with you.

Human Design is one of the most powerful self awareness tools that I have ever used. 

I love blending my studies of energetics and mindset + behavioural change to activate my clients codes and usher in their most enlivened way of experiencing their world. 

Practical Mysticism
The Power of Human Design + Energetics

It is not another personality test that seeks to type cast you and fit you into a box. It absolutely works to the opposite, unlocking all of your unique gifts and skill set to really give you the fire to live through your powerful unique blueprint.

I call it the Cosmic Gateway, where by using your date, time and location of birth, we unlock your unique energetic calibration.

Essentially, these readings are the story book to your soul.

This is exactly what it can feel like when we are trying to model ourselves on other people, not knowing that these people have a completely different energetic make up to us and thus are best placed to show up in ways that will be completely unique to them.

Learning to harness our unique energetic blueprint can lead us to more ease, liberation and flow with regards to stepping into our dreams, and stop us so easily burning out and activating our 'not self' themes that will show up as indications that we are not quite in alignment with our souls gifts.

This is not another tool for you to learn new ways to become something else or something new. This incredible awakening to your blueprint is a total UN-becoming of all of the ways you have limited your power, magic and magnetism.


Would you like to liberate yourself + understand your more subtle workings?

One of the biggest liberations for me came when I started to unlock my unique energy and free myself from the binds that I, quite unconsciously, had around the ways I believed I had to work in order to expand into my Highest Visions.


"My head is still completely blown off from last night from the reading I had with Emma. It was wild and I'm needing time and space to integrate it. She has so much knowledge and wisdom and light and delivers it all in such a beautiful and inspiring way. It has supported me so much to just understand my internal workings better and what I need to feel really good, how I stay in my own lane and also so amazing to receive a reflection back knowing I'm on the path."
- Gabby 

"I am absolutely mindblown by this reading, it is literally like Emma is reading my soul (I guess she is) - so much to integrate + play with, the value of being so fully seen is just priceless."

"Absolutely overwhelmed by my human design soul activation session today with Emma. To say this came at the most divine time would be an understatement! To understand even more of me through my unique energy & chart is like coming home to myself....I feel empowered, I feel a sense of relief as to where I am in my own personal journey...but with even more direction, energy & ideas The 90 minutes absolutely flew but I have so much more understanding about my personality, emotions & why I do things the way I do!"

"I just had the most incredible soul activation session with Emma it left me feeling so inspired + full of passion to share what I love with the world."

"I am in such a blissful little love bubble. I wanted to jump on here to share a couple of things with you - this reading shows you essentially what comes naturally to you + what your natural soul gifts are - I cannot recommend booking a session with Emma enough."

"Just had a mindblowing HD session with Emma - she's literally laid out years of therapy discoveries in our first session already!"

"Just had a mindblowing HD session with Emma - she's literally laid out years of therapy discoveries in our first session already!"

"Just had an amazing HD reading session with Emma. Super informative + illuminating + with some interesting food for thought. Was nice to be seen in the paradoxes + complexities of being a 5:1 Manifestor by someone similar - I knew it felt right to book in with Emma!"

"Just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing your magic and human design knowledge. It was soo insightful ! I think the biggest takeaway for me was receiving permission and some kind of justification for all the things about myself I sometimes struggle to accept. "